Friday 26 November 2010

Bedford College in TOP 5 % in UK !!

Bedford College celebrated another year as shining beacon of success in these difficult economic times.
A packed Bedford Corn Exchange heard how its student successes are in the top 5 % in the country and for the first time in its history, it has 18,000 signed up to courses. That is one in ten of the local population.

Soon after achieving its Outstanding Ofsted status, Bedford took over Shuttleworth College in Central Beds. That merger has become a model for how to integrate two very different colleges and improve the standards and services of both.

The College has secured £2 Million to redevelop the workshop block on the Cauldwell Street campus, its new BROOKS hair and and beauty opened on the High Street and The Mansion House at Shuttleworth was relaunched as a quality conference and weddings venue.

Bedford College has won the right to use the Olympic logo - which was particularly apt as the Outstanding Student of the Year was 2012 hopeful sprinter Deji Tobias, who is the fastest under 20 year old in the UK. Deji is taking a BTEC National Diploma in Sports Development, Coaching and Fitness.

School links
Together with the Bedford Charity, Bedford College is one of the sponsors of the Bedford Academy which is one of the few secondary schools in the UK to be awarded millions of pounds for a new building project. More than 900 pupils from upper schools attend vocational courses at the College.

Business boost
Working closely with local employers to help ensure students have the right skills for employment is key to the contribution the College makes to the local economy. “We are an engine for growth for the local economy,” said Principal and Chief Executive Ian Pryce, “We want Bedford College to be a badge of honour on the CVs of students when they apply for employment.”

The support by local businesses, hundreds of whom work with the College, was demonstrated by the commercial sponsorship of the prizes at the Achievements Ceremony.

Inspirational Speaker
Guest speaker at the Achievements Ceremony on Thursday 25th November was Bedford Borough Council award winner, John Barnes.

John has become a regular in the Transplant Games having been given a new heart ten years ago - an anniversary which coincided with the latest College celebrations. “John has some lessons for us in overcoming adversity and pushing yourself to achieve greater things,” said Ian.

Special presentation
Among the students who won an award was the late Gary Townsend who sadly died after achieving his CPCAB Introduction to Counselling. His sister Verity collected his award on his behalf.

Higher Education
A wide range of Higher Education, or degree level learning courses are run at Bedford College, many of them in conjunction with the University of Bedfordshire. Students complete the first two years of Foundation Degrees at the College campus before moving on to university but before they leave, they take part in the Achievements Ceremony in their university gowns adding a “Higher” level of excitement to the occasion.

“I would like to thank the University of Bedfordshire for allowing our students to wear their degree wear at our ceremony,” added Ian.


Note to Editors - Bedford College has a range of awards and special status ratings including Outstanding Ofsted, Beacon College Status, management and student care awards. It is in the TOP 5% of FE Colleges were it counts most of all - student results

Photos to follow - or available upon request

we have photo of Outstanding Student Deji Tobias "on the run" in the College gym if you like to see

Wednesday 29 September 2010

A perfect setting: The Mansion House Old Warden Park

Tea and tours at The Mansion House

Hundreds of VIPs and guests from across the County were treated to tea, cakes and tours of The Mansion House, Old Warden Park on Thursday 23rd September.

Celebrating its relaunch, the country house opened its doors to invited guests to tour the historic building and enjoy a fabulous afternoon tea. Whilst relaxing to the sounds of a harpist many guest faces were captured on paper by a roving cartoonist.

Tours of The Mansion House were conducted by Cyril Thomas who has worked at the house, originally as the footman, for nearly 50 years and knows every inch of the building which dates back to 1872.

Guest Anna Viola of Heart Radio said: “What a wonderful afternoon, a lovely traditional cream tea served by white-gloved waitors. A real treat!”

Shuttleworth Park was relaunched as The Mansion House (on Thursday 23rd September) - the leading country house venue for weddings, private hire, corporate hire and parkland events in the local area.

tel 01767 626200

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Face to face with the magic and mystery of legend

Pic captions:

(1) Jeffrey Tribe, Arts Advanced Practitioner at Bedford College.
(2) Giant Ralph, the seafarer’s nightmare.

Bedford College Arts Advanced Practitioner, Jeffrey Tribe, has an eye for faces - in the most unusual places.

His ability to see profiles and portraits of human faces in the rocky edges of the UK coastline led him to work the idea into an art project. Faces of legend from kings to dinosaurs, warriors to whirlpools, each with an intriguing story to tell of the mysteries of the sea and surrounding coastline.

With the help of Google Earth, Jeffrey Tribe has discovered 12 human heads emerging from the British coastline, as presented in his project, Headlands. Each coastal face is shown alongside a narrative based on the location and in the form of iconic cigarette cards. The amazing images are exactly as seen on Google Earth, with no retouching. So famous have his "coastal faces" become that they have been picked up and published in the USA and India.

Jeffrey explained: “I came up with the idea when watching the BBC weather on TV. I noticed that parts of the coast had features resembling faces. On closer inspection (via Google Earth) I noticed they really were there. The narrative on the reverse is based upon the locality the face was located.

“This is a personal project that now has a life of it’s own - spreading around the web and posted on several sites and blogs including the Dallas Times and a newspaper in India.”

To find out more see

Thursday 16 September 2010

A meal for two for someone wonderful

Not one but two rosettes have been won by Bedford Swan's restaurant......

Bedford Swan Hotel is celebrating having the only restaurant in town to have TWO AA Rosettes by offering a celebration meal to two individuals who themselves deserve a winner's rosette.

Recently the restaurant, overlooking The Embankment, became the first in Bedford to be awarded double rosettes by the AA, there are only two venues in Bedfordshire which have achieved the same distinction: Luton Hoo and The Inn at Woburn.

Said Bedford Swan General Manager Dominic Mills: "We are delighted that our restaurant is in such top class company and we would like local people to come along and have lunch or dinner with us. To encourage people to remember that the restaurant is open to non-residents, we are running a special competition for local people who deserve a rosette."

Nominations for people who have gone the extra mile for the local community, who have raised money for charity, or who are simply the best mum or daughter are sought. Simply email your story to:

Two Prizes of a meal for two in the award-winning restaurant to include starter, main course, dessert, coffee and complimentary bottle of wine and soft drinks.

Monday 15 March 2010

Money Week is pure gold for students at Bedford College

Pic caption:
Sue Newman (E2E Support Worker) and Emma Hearn (Student Finance Manager) pictured with students at a workshop session

Bedford College held a series of events during Money Week (8-12 March) helping highlight the importance of money management to students.

Workshop sessions included advice to cover budgeting, forms of borrowing including credit cards, moving out of home, working and adjusting to university life with practical tips on life skills as well as money management.

Blind tastings of food ranges from the most expensive to value ranges gave students the chance to find out about choice and value. With prices seven times the cost between brands, students could taste for themselves the real value of food, with the cheapest often proving the favourite.

Students took part in action packed games that added an element of pure gold to Money Week, with the use of gold (chocolate) coins. Personality quizzes highlighted money personalities such as money banks, money plotters, money bothered and money flops.

Money tips from students included:

“Spend in cash, rather than plastic, helping keep track of money.”

“Never go food shopping on an empty stomach”

“Don’t go shopping all the time – find something else to do!”

“If you use a credit card, remember it’s not free money.”

Student Finance Manager, Emma Hearn, explained that Money Week was being held at Bedford College for the first time in partnership with the Independent education charity, the National Skills Academy Financial Services (NSAFS), to promote financial literacy and money management skills during Money Week at 75 further education colleges across England and added:

“We are delighted to be working with the NSAFS as a way of getting important money management messages across to our students in Money Week. We advise students on a daily basis on all aspects of finance so they are able to budget for college, university or work life. Money Week gives us the chance to involve our students in activities and bring money management to life so that they have the skills to budget now and into the future.”

Money Week forms part of ‘Money for LiFE’, the further education project of the Financial Services Authority’s (FSA) National Strategy for Financial Capability. NSAFS manages and delivers the programme across England, aiming to enhance the financial capability of over 30,000 learners across 75 FE colleges during this academic year.

Sylvia Perrins, CEO, NSAFS added: “Money Week is a great opportunity to raise awareness of and help develop the financial capability of young people in the UK. Our education establishments, like Bedford College, play a fundamental role in shaping the future and the work being done to support the development of a more ‘money-minded’ nation is commendable.

“The ongoing challenges in our current economic climate serve as a poignant reminder that the financial decisions we make, personally and nationally, are of utmost importance. Personal finance is a key skill which we believe should be taught from a young age to assist, maintain and strengthen the development of our financial services industry.”

The National Skills Academy for Financial Services offers national centres of excellence in education, skills training and development, working in partnership with employers to develop a workforce with the knowledge and skills they need to help service their customers’ financial needs.

Since launch in May 2007, NSAFS network has grown from four to over 20 providers that are now located in seven regions. For more information, visit:

Editors' notes

1. Issued by Manners PR for Bedford College.

2. For more info contact Sue Gough at Manners PR on 07921 514 940.

3. For more about Bedford College see

4. Photographs available from Manners PR.

Monday 8 March 2010

Bedford College Trainee Engineer aims high with Spitfire at Shuttleworth Collection

Andy Preslent (Engineer) and Gareth Rutt (Trainee Engineer)

Not many trainee engineers can claim to be renovating a Spitfire that has seen action in World War II and starred in the film Battle of Britain, but Gareth Rutt from Biggleswade certainly can.

The Shuttleworth Trust (Education) has set up a trainee scheme, in partnership with Bedford College and Marshall Aerospace, with Gareth the first trainee engineer in 30 years.

He is learning specialist skills in renovating historic aircraft from engineer Andy Preslent, who was the original first trainee engineer at Shuttleworth and is now in his 40th year working on renovating and maintaining over 50 world famous historic aircraft.

Andy explained:

“The trainee scheme combines aeronautical engineering at Bedford College and Marshall Aerospace with specialist knowledge that can only be learnt here. Working on vintage aircraft, trainees will learn a wide range of techniques including woodwork and fabric in restoration of our vintage aircraft.”

Gareth Rutt has always had a fascination for aircraft and joined the Shuttleworth Trust as a work experience student, from Stratton Upper School, when he was 14. That gave him the bug for restoring vintage aircraft and he went on to study aeronautical engineering at Bedford College. After completing year 1 of a 2 year diploma course he read in the Shuttleworth magazine about a new trainee scheme and decided it was for him.

As trainee engineer he has studied at Bedford College and Marshall Aerospace, gaining a National Certificate with double distinction. He is now studying towards NVQ3 and plans to go on to achieve the prestigious qualification as Licensed Aircraft Engineer.

“Not many people learn their trade working on a Spitfire!”, explained Gareth.
“Learning specialist techniques of renovation on the Spitfire is more romantic than working on airlines because it is part of British history. My job as trainee engineer has lots of variety, from working on the Spitfire to working on the Bleriot, the worlds oldest airworthy aircraft, the same type as the first to cross the channel in 1909. You can sense the history as you work to renovate these historic aircraft to their former glory.”

Una Watts, Trust General Manager, explained that the new trainee scheme is already proving to be a huge success and the close working relationship with Bedford College and Marshall Aerospace ensures that everything is in place to lead to Licensed Engineer status for trainees and for a new generation of qualified engineers to work with the prized Shuttleworth Collection.

She added:

“We have many young people who want to get involved working with us in a voluntary or trainee capacity. Our volunteers span the generations from enthusiasts with a wealth of experience, such as our pilots and engineers, to younger people who want to learn a skill. Gareth has certainly set a high standard for others to follow.”

“The Shuttleworth Collection is about living history and the people who work here are extremely proud of this unique collection of aircraft and motors that continue to be lovingly restored.”

The staff of 21, including 7 engineers, are supported by a dedicated and committed team of 120 volunteers, some of them highly skilled, who give their time in many different roles from pilots to engineers and helping in the smooth running of the many events that take place over the year.

With over 50 world-famous vintage aircraft all in flying condition, visitors to the Shuttleworth Collection can see over 100 years of aviation history and experience the thrill of unique and spectacular airshows. Historic cars, motorcyles and coaches complete the collection, housed within eight floodlit hangars.

Editors' notes

1. The Shuttleworth Trust (Education) became part of Beacon Status and outstanding Ofsted winner Bedford College on 7 August 2009.

2. Issued by Manners PR for Bedford College.

3. For more info contact Sue Gough at Manners PR on 07921 514 940.

4. Photographs available.

5. For more about Bedford College see

6. For more about the Shuttleworth Trust and Collection see

Tuesday 2 March 2010

The Princess and the Frog at Shuttleworth College

Katie tries magic dust on African Bullfrog as Carl keeps the creature from hopping it !

As the Princess and the Frog magical animated Disney film shows to packed cinemas, a frog that needs the magic of conservation takes centre stage at Shuttleworth College.

Poison dart frogs have arrived at Shuttleworth College and will be part of a world-wide conservation and breeding programme. The frogs are under threat of extinction in the tropical rainforests of Central America and the work at Shuttleworth will be a crucial part of their survival.

Carl Groombridge, Animal Unit Manager, at Shuttleworth College explained:

"Our students will gain invaluable experience from working with this endangered species of amphibian. They will learn about conservation and the fact that amphibians are under threat from global warming, and a global virus that is adding to the urgency of conservation.

"Our breeding programme aims to maintain this species for future generations and ultimately to release them back into the tropical rainforests of Central America.

"Part of the conservation and breeding programme for students means learning about the flora and fauna that are essential to the survival of these frogs and recreating their habitat here in Bedfordshire.”

The Animal Care Centre is home to just about every family of species in the world. and habitats include a tropical rainforest setting where recorded sounds of the forest give an added dimension to the environment.

Students go to Shuttleworth to learn about animal husbandry, how to create and build habitats from scratch to meet wildlife standards and to develop breeding programmes. The aim is to give students a taste of all aspects of animal welfare and management in preparation for careers from practical hands-on jobs to highly academic research and scientific opportunities, including animal conservation programmes across the world.

Editors' notes

1. Poison dart frog is the common name of a group of frogs in the family Dendrobatidae which are native to Central America. Unlike most frogs, these species are active during the day and often exhibit brightly-colored bodies. Although all wild dendrobatids are at least somewhat toxic, levels of toxicity vary considerably from one species to the next and from one population to another. Many species are critically endangered. These amphibians are often called "dart frogs" due to indigenous Amerindians use of their toxic secretions to poison the tips of blowdarts.

2. Shuttleworth College in Central Bedfordshire became part of Beacon Status and outstanding Ofsted winner Bedford College on 7 August 2009.

3. Issued by Manners PR for Bedford College.

4. For more info contact Sue Gough at Manners PR on 07921 514 940.

5. Photographs available.

6. For more about Bedford College see

Tuesday 9 February 2010

It all adds up for Maths Olympians at Bedford College

Pic caption:
Ian Pryce (Principal and Chief Executive) pictured with award winning students Ben Stringer and Lindsay Brown standing either side

Move over Archimedes and Pythagoras for a new generation of Maths Olympians…….

Bedford College achieved success in it's first attempt at the UK Senior Mathematics Challenge, picking up silver and bronze medals for A level students Ben Stringer, Lindsay Brown and Marta Wikariak.

Presenting students with their awards, Ian Pryce (Principal and Chief Executive) said:

“I am delighted that students at Bedford College have achieved such outstanding success in this national mathematics challenge, especially as I am a graduate mathematician.

“The College is well known for awards success in vocational areas such as construction and catering and it is good to see opportunities for national competitions opening up in mathematics and the sciences for our students.

“Many of our students go on to study at University and this Olympic-style success shows we are outstanding in both vocational and academic subjects.”

With strong mathematics and science provision, Bedford College welcomes students to study A levels in the 6th Form Centre. The well equipped science laboratories have been used by ITN News at Ten for 'Leadership Lab' and courses unraveling the mysteries of science include Forensics and Astronomy.

For students who want to go on to higher level science, engineering, business, computing or finance courses, Maths and Science A levels provide students with a thorough grounding in their chosen subject and lead to careers including medicine, architecture, scientific research and many more.

Ben Stringer is studying A level Maths, Physics, Further Maths and Psychology and aims to go on to study medicine at University and become a doctor.

Lindsay Brown is studying A level Maths, Further Maths, Pyschology and Business and plans to study Maths or Maths and Pyschology at University.

Marta Wikariak, studying A level Maths, Chemistry and Human Biology, was away at the time of the awards presentations attending a Pharmacy open day at University.

• Bedford College is one of the top ten FE Colleges in the UK with Outstanding Ofsted and Beacon Status awards among many others.

• Join Bedford College on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to keep up to date with news, offers and events.

• To find out more about courses at Bedford College ring 01234 291000 or go online to

Editors' notes

1. Issued by Manners PR for Bedford College.
2. For more info contact Sue Gough at Manners PR on 07921 514 940.
3. For more about Bedford College see

Jobs for the girls - it's WICed at Bedford College

Pic caption: TV filmed the event

More than 500 girls from schools across the eastern region attended the WICed (Women into Construction and Engineering) event held for the third year running in Bedford on 5 February.

Women of all ages, from those still at school to those who want a career change, took part in practical activities from plumbing to thatching. They were able to talk to professionals from the industry about the opportunities available, receiving practical advice and guidance from industry experts about getting started on a career for life.

Mel Chalkly and Sandra Edwards, joined Bedford College to put their ideas for a new business into action. They now run their own successful interior design and painting and decorating business, Pink Ladders. Exhibiting at WICed gave them the opportunity to speak to women about careers in their industry. They said:

“We want to encourage girls and women to get into the trade and there are so many industries here today from bricklaying to planning and surveying. This is a great way to find out about careers in Construction and Engineering.

“The women of today should be able to feel confident about joining what have been male dominated industries in the past.

“We both studied at Bedford College and have a love of colour and design that we bring to our clients. It is hard work setting up a new business and you need the combination of qualifications and experience. Apprenticeships are an excellent way of gaining that experience.

“If we can get one message across to women today it would be: Work hard, be positive, determined and focused. You can have a successful and interesting career in Construction and Engineering.”

WICed, an initiative of ConstructionSkills, was delivered in partnership with Bedford College and key partners include Aim Higher, Barnfield College, Bedfordshire & Luton Education Business Partnership (BLEBP), Institute of Structural Engineers, Construction, Constructing Excellence, Construction Industry Council, Construction Training Ltd and Train 4 Trade Skills.

Warren Edwards, Director for Technology and Construction at Bedford College, said:

“We need to redress inequalities of women working in the Construction and Engineering industry and by training women in construction and engineering skills we can do that. There are fantastic career opportunities in these industries which include traditional craft trades and highly paid professions such as construction management, architecture and surveying, aero, mechanical and electrical/electronic engineering. Women are in demand in the modern world and help to build and sustain the world of today and the future through science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) skills. Many will have studied at Bedford College.

“Bedford College is at the forefront of sustainability and renewable energy technologies. We offer courses spanning from traditional skills to those embracing the latest renewable and sustainable technologies and have developed many partnerships in this growing industry.

“As more people become aware of the need to conserve energy there will be more demand for these new technologies. We provide the courses so that industry is ready to meet that demand.”

Bedford College's high-tech Construction and Technology Centre is rated one of the best of its kind in the region by Ofsted. The College is recognised by the Government as a Training Quality Standard (TQS) provider for its work with employers.

For more information contact: Bedford College on 01234 291000.

Editors' notes

1. About ConstructionSkills
ConstructionSkills is the Sector Skills Council (SSC) for the construction industry. It is a partnership between CITB-ConstructionSkills, CIC and CITB Northern Ireland. It is UK-wide and represents the whole industry from professional consultancies to major contractors and SMEs.

Established as an SSC in 2003, ConstructionSkills is working to deliver a safe, professional and fully qualified construction workforce. All three partners are committed to working together to deliver industry-led skills and training solutions through the Sector Skills Agreement for construction. We work to negotiate the best partnership and funding deals for the construction industry to help raise standards and we develop the skills products and services employers need.

The construction sector is central to the UK economy, generating over 8% of UK GDP and with a turnover of more than £210bn a year.

2. Issued by Manners PR for Bedford College.

3. For more info contact Sue Gough at Manners PR on 07921 514 940.

4. Photographs available from Manners PR.

5. For more about Bedford College see

Monday 8 February 2010

MP Patrick Hall launches Apprenticeship Week at Bedford College

Pic caption
l-r Danny Foolkes (apprentice), Patrick Hall MP and Karl Mastrolacasa (electrician)

Patrick Hall, MP for Bedford and Kempston, launched Apprenticeship Week at Bedford College by shadowing an electrotechnical apprentice and electrician on site on Monday 1 February 2010.

Shadowing Danny Foolkes (apprentice) and Karl Mastrolacasa (electrician) with Craddocks Electrical Services Ltd gave Patrick the opportunity to find out what it means to be an apprentice working with a local company and studying at Bedford College.

Talking about the apprenticeship scheme, Patrick Hall MP said:

“It is good to see apprenticeships making a comeback and encouraging seeing the co-operation between government (LSC), Bedford College, local employers and students that makes the apprenticeship scheme such a success. This is an excellent example of investing in skills for the future.”

Apprentice Danny Foolkes is in his first year of a 3.5 year apprenticeship, working 4 days a week on site with Craddocks Electrical Services Ltd and studying one day a week at Bedford College. Danny is following in his family’s footsteps - his grandfather is the founder of the family run business based in Bedford. Danny added:

“There is certainly a lot to learn and the combination of on the job training and studying at Bedford College suits me. Experienced electricians tell me that they are continually learning and so it doesn’t stop once you are qualified. We learn all aspects of the trade and safety plays a huge part.

“The tutors at Bedford College have all worked in the trade and their experience and knowledge is a really valuable part of the apprenticeship scheme.”

Bedford College has over 215 apprentices working in a range of sectors and industries and works closely with employers to ensure that apprentices of today become the qualified workforce of the future.

Apprenticeship schemes blend work and study to offer young people the chance to become qualified in the sector of their choice, with 4 days a week in the workplace and 1 day a week in College. They learn what it means to work and to study for industry recognised qualifications leading to careers in Business Administration, Catering, Construction, Child Care, Customer Service, Electrotechnical Services, Electrical Engineering, Hairdressing, IT, Mechanical Engineering, Motor vehicle and Plumbing.

Apprenticeship Week is a national event celebrating the talents and skills of apprentices and highlighting to employers the advantages of supporting apprentices in the workplace.

• Bedford College will be welcoming employers to a Business Breakfast on Thursday 4 February to raise the profile of apprenticeship schemes and highlight the benefits to employers.

• WICed (Women in Construction and Engineering) will be held on Friday 5 February at the Bunyan Centre, Mile Road, Bedford. The event is aimed at women of all ages to encourage them into the fields of construction and engineering.

Bedford College is one of the top ten FE Colleges in the UK with Outstanding Ofsted and Beacon Status awards among many others.

Join Bedford College Training Services on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to keep up to date with news, offers and events!

Editors’ notes

1. Issued by Manners PR for Bedford College.

2. For more info: Sue Gough at Manners PR on 07921 514 940.

3. Photographs available.

4. For more about Bedford College see

Monday 25 January 2010

Art exhibition reveals secrets of science at South Bank Arts Centre

Pic caption:
l-r Ian Pryce (Principal and Chief Exec), Sue Blackman (Director of Centre for the Arts) and artist Julie Freeman

World renowned local artist Julie Freeman has launched an art exhibition at Bedford College’s South Bank Arts Centre, open to the public until 12 March.

Julie began life in Dunstable where she attended Dunstable College for 2 years studying Graphic Design. She gained a BSc at Plymouth University and ran a media design company “Studio Fish” in London where she worked with the Hayward Gallery, the BBC and the Science Museum.

Julie is Artist in Residence at the Microsystems & Nanotechnology Centre, Cranfield University, and Associate Researcher at Goldsmiths Digital Studio. She holds an MA in Digital Art from the Lansdown Centre for Electronic Arts, Middlesex University, and is a NESTA fellow and Wellcome Trust arts awardee. Her work has been exhibited across the UK, including at the Institute of Contemporary Arts and the Science Museum, and internationally in Brazil, Croatia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Russia, and the USA.

The exhibition “In Particular” features 16 graphic artworks and 16 texts that draw inspiration from nanotechnology. Julie collaborated with Professor Jeremy Ramsden to understand the science behind the stories.

Talking about “In Particular” to be exhibited at the South Bank Arts Centre, Julie says:

“I’ve always been seduced by technology – how it can be used to interact and communicate with the natural world, enabling appreciation of the obscured or concealed, and how it can exhibit truth or lies with equal gravitas, sometimes purposefully misinterpreting reality. I am interested in the translation of hidden biological systems through abstraction or metaphor, as graphic, sound, animation or object. My work is rarely predictable, I often feel I construct open frameworks which allow the free flow of content into them.”
Sue Blackman, Director of Centre for the Arts, added:

“I am delighted to welcome visiting artists to our gallery space in the South Bank Arts Centre.

“This is a living contemporary art space for the community where they will see a wide range of art including photography, film, animation, graphic design, fashion and textiles. The visiting artists will also offer workshops and lectures to our students. We want to reach out to our local community and encourage people to come along and see for themselves the talent that is at the heart of Bedford.

“The South Bank Arts Centre is a community space for the artistic talent of local people. This is the place where people can access or create art, with a buzz of creativity all year round. We have recording studios, theatre and art studios and a variety of space that the local community can hire.

“I am keen to encourage local contemporary artists, including ex students, to use the centre as a launch pad for their talent and careers and a platform to exhibit their work.”

Exhibition dates:
15Jan-19Feb Julie Freeman
22 Feb–12 March Rosalind Davis (mixed media painter and graduate of RCA fusing embroidery, print and paint to create complex and dystopian landscapes).

Editors' notes

1. Issued by Manners PR for Bedford College.
2. For more info contact Sue Gough at Manners PR on 07921 514 940.
3. For more about Bedford College see
4. Photographs available from Manners PR.
5. For more about Julie Freeman see
6. For more about the “In Particular” project see

Bedford Learning Centre Celebrates Student Success

Pic caption:
l-r Pauline Woodward (Manager of Bedford Learning Centre), Michelle and David Farmer, Sharon Retson (Director, Bright Learning Solutions) and Sharon Chinneck (Director of Enterprise Bedford College).

An Achievers Evening at Bedford Learning Centre on 20 January celebrated the success of students who have achieved IT qualifications, boosting their CVs, career opportunities and confidence.

Part of Bedford College, the Bedford Learning Centre was set up in 2001 and has helped over 6,000 local people to develop their IT skills, knowledge and understanding to help ensure they get the best from their computers.

Pauline Woodward, manager of the Bedford Learning Centre, congratulating achievers said:

“We are all here to celebrate your success and are proud to have been part of that success. We are aware it is often a real juggling act to fit study around your other commitments. Well done to everyone who has achieved success at the Bedford Learning Centre.”

Bedford Learning Centre is an important part of Bedford College’s success and this year has been outstanding. In January Bedford College achieved outstanding Ofsted, in June Beacon status and in August Shuttleworth College became part of Bedford College.

As part of Bedford College, the Learning Centres are fully equipped IT centres set up on the doorsteps of local people in Bedford, Luton and Rushden. They offer people from all cultural backgrounds, abilities and ages the chance to tap into IT courses to improve their skills and life or career opportunities.

With over 550 people currently studying across all three Learning Centres, a variety of courses are on offer including Literacy and Numeracy, Introduction to Computers ITQ (level 2 qualification) and short courses including Web Design and Photo Editing.

Students who achieved success included:

Pete Martin:

Pete returned to Bedford after living in Canada and Australia for the last 4 years and wanted to upgrade his IT skills.

He explained:

“I am trying to find a job in Marketing/Advertising/Sales and wanted to strengthen my CV with a sound knowledge of IT to meet the demands of job descriptions.

“Recently I’ve been working in Peterborough advertising a new walk-in centre and definitely got that job as a result of the training at the Bedford Learning Centre.

“The flexibility of study here was really helpful as it fitted in with work patterns. It was tough but worth it.”

Charles Stallard:

After successfully achieving NVQ 2, Charles is considering going on to study further at level 3.

He said:

“This is unlike any training courses I have undertaken before – it’s so much better. The flexibility of being able to come in for 2 hour sessions when it suits you is extremely helpful. I’ve also completed some project work at home and that fits in well with other commitments.

My wife and I joined the Bedford Learning Centre after seeing a leaflet and attending a free session. We have both achieved success and are delighted we decided to come here.

As a bus driver, I don’t need the IT skills for my job but am already using them in clubs and organisations I belong to at work and church.

Kayleigh Cook:

Kayleigh sees the Bedford Learning Centre as a stepping stone into web design and plans to study further at Bedford College.

She will be using her new skills to design a website for the shop where she works and sees internet shopping as vital to businesses today.

Kayleigh explained that the flexible study plans and 1:1 assistance from tutors was of great benefit, especially as she is dyslexic and added:

“The tutors take time to explain and are really helpful – I am trying to persuade friends to come along and study here. I noticed the Bedford Learning Centre from the High Street and came along to the open day – I haven’t looked back since.”

David Crumlin:

David decided to upgrade his skills and gain an IT qualification after being made redundant. He explained:

“I have enjoyed studying at the Bedford Learning Centre and it came at the right time for me. The flexibility of study here has been really helpful, along with the tutors who always find time to explain when needed. I have now retired but the skills I have learnt here are really useful.

“I would definitely tell anyone to come along and find out themselves how the Bedford Learning Centre can help them.”

David Farmer was delighted to win a laptop in a prize draw, and Brenda Griffiths thrilled to win books in an IT quiz competition, sponsored by Bright Learning Solutions who assist Bedford College in running the Learning Centres.

Editors’ notes

1. Issued by Manners PR for Bedford College.

2. For more info: Sue Gough at Manners PR on 07921 514 940.

3. For more about Bedford College see

Monday 18 January 2010

Women into Construction and Engineering

Mel and Sandra of Pink Ladders will be at WICed talking about their successful business on
Friday 5 February 2010 (10.00 am to 3.00 pm)
Bunyan Centre, Mile Road, Bedford.

Bedford College is to stage WiC-ed for the third year running, this year widening participation to attract a regional audience of industry professionals, employers and stakeholders.

Women of all ages, from school students to women who want a change of career, are invited to attend WIC-ed to find out about the varied careers available in the Construction and Engineering fields. Participants will be able to take part in many practical activities, talk to professionals from the industry about the opportunities available and receive practical advice and guidance from industry experts about getting started on a career for life.

The Construction and Engineering industries offer a wide range of career opportunities for women. There will be many women professionals at the event who can tell you how they started their careers and progressed in the industry or started their own business, and offer hands on advice.

Warren Edwards, Director for Technology and Construction at Bedford College, said:

“We need to redress inequalities of women working in the Construction and Engineering industry and by training women in construction and engineering skills we can do that. There are fantastic career opportunities in these industries which include traditional craft trades and highly paid professions such as construction management, architecture and surveying, aero, mechanical and electrical/electronic engineering. Women are in demand in the modern world and help to build and sustain the world of today and the future through science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) skills. Many will have studied at Bedford College.

“Bedford College is at the forefront of sustainability and renewable energy technologies. We offer courses spanning from traditional skills to those embracing the latest renewable and sustainable technologies and have developed many partnerships in this growing industry.

“As more people become aware of the need to conserve energy there will be more demand for these new technologies. We provide the courses so that industry is ready to meet that demand.”

Bedford College's high-tech Construction and Technology Centre is rated one of the best of its kind in the region by Ofsted. The College is recognised by the Government as a Training Quality Standard (TQS) provider for its work with employers.

For more information contact: Bedford College on 01234 291000.

Editors' notes

1. Issued by Manners PR for Bedford College.

2. For more info contact Sue Gough at Manners PR on 07921 514 940.

3. Photographs available from Manners PR.

4. For more about Bedford College see

5. List of WiC-ed sponsors are
Bedford College
Barnfield College
Bedfordshire & Luton Education Business
Partnership (BLEBP)
Construction Industry Council
Aim Higher
Train 4 Trade Skills
Construction Training Ltd
Constructing Excellence
Institute of Structural Engineers

Meerkats at Shuttleworth - anything but a "seemple" life

Meerkats have moved into Shuttleworth College where a palatial mansion house and stunning grounds are in keeping with the lifestyle of master of all meerkats Aleksandr Orlov, currently residing in Moscow.

With over half a million Facebook fans and 24,000 Tweeter followers, Aleksandra is known to lead anything but the “seemple” life as successful businessKat and founder of

Carl Groombridge (manager/lecturer) of the Animal Care Centre at Shuttleworth College explained that he receives lots of enquiries from visitors about meerkats and added:

“Meerkats have become one of our most popular animals with visitors asking questions about these fascinating creatures. With blasts of cold weather from Russia at the moment, Shuttleworth would be a home from home for Aleksandra and his team.”

Meerkats are one of the animals that are at home at Shuttleworth College, along with just about every family of species in the world including exotic species from amphibians, invertebrates, small mammals and reptiles, to birds and larger animals.

Shuttleworth College provides a stimulating environment where students learn about animal husbandry, how to create and build habitats from scratch to meet wildlife standards and develop breeding programmes. The aim is to give students a taste of all aspects of animal welfare and management in preparation for careers from practical hands-on jobs to highly academic research and scientific opportunities.

Editors' notes

1. Shuttleworth College in Central Bedfordshire became part of Beacon Status and outstanding Ofsted winner Bedford College on 7 August 2009.

2. Issued by Manners PR for Bedford College.

3. For more info contact Sue Gough at Manners PR on 07921 514 940.

4. Photographs available.

Monday 11 January 2010

Learning Centres Celebrate Student Success

Learning Centres in Bedford, Luton and Rushden celebrated student success at Achievers Evenings held in December and January.

David Pridmore, Deputy Principal and Director of Bedford College, said:

“Thanks to all staff for their commitment and dedication to the work of the Learning Centres. Your efforts are recognised in the success of the learners who have achieved so much.”

Esther Rantzen campaigner, journalist, president and founder of Childline and prospective MP for Luton South, met students and staff at the Luton Learning Centre and said:

“I want to congratulate all staff and learners on the achievement of mastering the art of computer science.

“Through these skills not only have you given yourselves new opportunities, skills and new careers but it has made me feel perhaps I can sign up here!

“I am here because I love Luton – I think it is terrific. I fell in love with it at first sight. Congratulations on your home town and on your success at the Luton Learning Centre.”

Up to 100 students were presented with certificates at each Learning Centre, celebrating their achievements in ITQ. This qualification not only gives people IT skills and qualifications, recognised by employers worldwide, but boosts confidence and gives them the opportunity to move up the career ladder.

As part of Bedford College, the Learning Centres are fully equipped IT centres set up on the doorsteps of local people in Bedford, Luton and Rushden. They offer people from all cultural backgrounds, abilities and ages the chance to tap into IT courses to improve their skills and life or career opportunities.

Each Learning Centre has 30 computers installed with the latest software and offer free training at flexible times to suit individual lifestyles.

With over 550 people currently studying across all three Learning Centres, a variety of courses are on offer including Literacy and Numeracy, Introduction to Computers ITQ (level 2 qualification) and short courses including Web Design and Photo Editing.

Learning Centres offer a range of different courses that support learners with no or little computer skills to those who need to update or brush up existing skills.

A winning prize of a laptop was offered at a prize draw held at each Achievers Evening, sponsored by Bright Learning Solutions.

Editors’ notes

1. Issued by Manners PR for Bedford College.

2. For more info: Sue Gough at Manners PR on 07921 514 940.

3. For more about Bedford College see

Monday 4 January 2010

Art to Art at South Bank Arts Centre

World renowned local artist Julie Freeman is to launch an exhibition at Bedford College’s South Bank Arts Centre that will see visiting artists bringing art to art students and local people.

The exhibition begins on 15 January 2010 with a private view of Julie Freeman’s work that will be open to the public from 18 January. Two exhibitions follow hot on the heels of Julie’s work and run until 12 March (see below).

Julie began life in Dunstable where she attended Dunstable College for 2 years studying Graphic Design. She gained a BSc at Plymouth University and ran a media design company “Studio Fish” in London where she worked with the Hayward Gallery, the BBC and the Science Museum.

Julie is Artist in Residence at the Microsystems & Nanotechnology Centre, Cranfield University, and Associate Researcher at Goldsmiths Digital Studio. She holds an MA in Digital Art from the Lansdown Centre for Electronic Arts, Middlesex University, and is a NESTA fellow and Wellcome Trust arts awardee. Her work has been exhibited across the UK, including at the Institute of Contemporary Arts and the Science Museum, and internationally in Brazil, Croatia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Russia, and the USA.

The exhibition “In Particular” features 16 graphic artworks and 16 texts that draw inspiration from nanotechnology. Julie collaborated with Professor Jeremy Ramsden to understand the science behind the stories.

Talking about “In Particular” to be exhibited at the South Bank Arts Centre, Julie says:

“I’ve always been seduced by technology – how it can be used to interact and communicate with the natural world, enabling appreciation of the obscured or concealed, and how it can exhibit truth or lies with equal gravitas, sometimes purposefully misinterpreting reality. I am interested in the translation of hidden biological systems through abstraction or metaphor, as graphic, sound, animation or object. My work is rarely predictable, I often feel I construct open frameworks which allow the free flow of content into them.”
Sue Blackman, Director of Centre for the Arts, added:

“I am delighted to welcome visiting artists to our gallery space in the South Bank Arts Centre.

“This is a living contemporary art space for the community where they will see a wide range of art including photography, film, animation, graphic design, fashion and textiles. The visiting artists will also offer workshops and lectures to our students. We want to reach out to our local community and encourage people to come along and see for themselves the talent that is at the heart of Bedford.

“The South Bank Arts Centre is a community space for the artistic talent of local people. This is the place where people can access or create art, with a buzz of creativity all year round. We have recording studios, theatre and art studios and a variety of space that the local community can hire.

“I am keen to encourage local contemporary artists, including ex students, to use the centre as a launch pad for their talent and careers and a platform to exhibit their work.”

Exhibition dates:
18-29 Jan Julie Freeman
1-12 Feb Students - graphics posters
22 Feb–12 March Rosalind Davis (mixed media painter and graduate of RCA fusing embroidery, print and paint to create complex and dystopian landscapes).

Editors' notes

1. Media welcome to private review on 15 January (12.30-2.00 pm) – invitation only event.

2. Issued by Manners PR for Bedford College.

3. For more info contact Sue Gough at Manners PR on 07921 514 940.

4. For more about Bedford College see

5. Photographs available from Manners PR.

6. For more about Julie Freeman see

7. For more about the “In Particular” project see