Tuesday 9 February 2010

It all adds up for Maths Olympians at Bedford College

Pic caption:
Ian Pryce (Principal and Chief Executive) pictured with award winning students Ben Stringer and Lindsay Brown standing either side

Move over Archimedes and Pythagoras for a new generation of Maths Olympians…….

Bedford College achieved success in it's first attempt at the UK Senior Mathematics Challenge, picking up silver and bronze medals for A level students Ben Stringer, Lindsay Brown and Marta Wikariak.

Presenting students with their awards, Ian Pryce (Principal and Chief Executive) said:

“I am delighted that students at Bedford College have achieved such outstanding success in this national mathematics challenge, especially as I am a graduate mathematician.

“The College is well known for awards success in vocational areas such as construction and catering and it is good to see opportunities for national competitions opening up in mathematics and the sciences for our students.

“Many of our students go on to study at University and this Olympic-style success shows we are outstanding in both vocational and academic subjects.”

With strong mathematics and science provision, Bedford College welcomes students to study A levels in the 6th Form Centre. The well equipped science laboratories have been used by ITN News at Ten for 'Leadership Lab' and courses unraveling the mysteries of science include Forensics and Astronomy.

For students who want to go on to higher level science, engineering, business, computing or finance courses, Maths and Science A levels provide students with a thorough grounding in their chosen subject and lead to careers including medicine, architecture, scientific research and many more.

Ben Stringer is studying A level Maths, Physics, Further Maths and Psychology and aims to go on to study medicine at University and become a doctor.

Lindsay Brown is studying A level Maths, Further Maths, Pyschology and Business and plans to study Maths or Maths and Pyschology at University.

Marta Wikariak, studying A level Maths, Chemistry and Human Biology, was away at the time of the awards presentations attending a Pharmacy open day at University.

• Bedford College is one of the top ten FE Colleges in the UK with Outstanding Ofsted and Beacon Status awards among many others.

• Join Bedford College on Facebook http://tinyurl.com/yl88mhf or follow us on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/bedfordcollege to keep up to date with news, offers and events.

• To find out more about courses at Bedford College ring 01234 291000 or go online to www.bedford.ac.uk

Editors' notes

1. Issued by Manners PR for Bedford College.
2. For more info contact Sue Gough at Manners PR on 07921 514 940.
3. For more about Bedford College see www.bedford.ac.uk

Jobs for the girls - it's WICed at Bedford College

Pic caption: TV filmed the event

More than 500 girls from schools across the eastern region attended the WICed (Women into Construction and Engineering) event held for the third year running in Bedford on 5 February.

Women of all ages, from those still at school to those who want a career change, took part in practical activities from plumbing to thatching. They were able to talk to professionals from the industry about the opportunities available, receiving practical advice and guidance from industry experts about getting started on a career for life.

Mel Chalkly and Sandra Edwards, joined Bedford College to put their ideas for a new business into action. They now run their own successful interior design and painting and decorating business, Pink Ladders. Exhibiting at WICed gave them the opportunity to speak to women about careers in their industry. They said:

“We want to encourage girls and women to get into the trade and there are so many industries here today from bricklaying to planning and surveying. This is a great way to find out about careers in Construction and Engineering.

“The women of today should be able to feel confident about joining what have been male dominated industries in the past.

“We both studied at Bedford College and have a love of colour and design that we bring to our clients. It is hard work setting up a new business and you need the combination of qualifications and experience. Apprenticeships are an excellent way of gaining that experience.

“If we can get one message across to women today it would be: Work hard, be positive, determined and focused. You can have a successful and interesting career in Construction and Engineering.”

WICed, an initiative of ConstructionSkills, was delivered in partnership with Bedford College and key partners include Aim Higher, Barnfield College, Bedfordshire & Luton Education Business Partnership (BLEBP), Institute of Structural Engineers, Construction, Constructing Excellence, Construction Industry Council, Construction Training Ltd and Train 4 Trade Skills.

Warren Edwards, Director for Technology and Construction at Bedford College, said:

“We need to redress inequalities of women working in the Construction and Engineering industry and by training women in construction and engineering skills we can do that. There are fantastic career opportunities in these industries which include traditional craft trades and highly paid professions such as construction management, architecture and surveying, aero, mechanical and electrical/electronic engineering. Women are in demand in the modern world and help to build and sustain the world of today and the future through science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) skills. Many will have studied at Bedford College.

“Bedford College is at the forefront of sustainability and renewable energy technologies. We offer courses spanning from traditional skills to those embracing the latest renewable and sustainable technologies and have developed many partnerships in this growing industry.

“As more people become aware of the need to conserve energy there will be more demand for these new technologies. We provide the courses so that industry is ready to meet that demand.”

Bedford College's high-tech Construction and Technology Centre is rated one of the best of its kind in the region by Ofsted. The College is recognised by the Government as a Training Quality Standard (TQS) provider for its work with employers.

For more information contact: Bedford College on 01234 291000.

Editors' notes

1. About ConstructionSkills
ConstructionSkills is the Sector Skills Council (SSC) for the construction industry. It is a partnership between CITB-ConstructionSkills, CIC and CITB Northern Ireland. It is UK-wide and represents the whole industry from professional consultancies to major contractors and SMEs.

Established as an SSC in 2003, ConstructionSkills is working to deliver a safe, professional and fully qualified construction workforce. All three partners are committed to working together to deliver industry-led skills and training solutions through the Sector Skills Agreement for construction. We work to negotiate the best partnership and funding deals for the construction industry to help raise standards and we develop the skills products and services employers need.

The construction sector is central to the UK economy, generating over 8% of UK GDP and with a turnover of more than £210bn a year.

2. Issued by Manners PR for Bedford College.

3. For more info contact Sue Gough at Manners PR on 07921 514 940.

4. Photographs available from Manners PR.

5. For more about Bedford College see www.bedford.ac.uk

Monday 8 February 2010

MP Patrick Hall launches Apprenticeship Week at Bedford College

Pic caption
l-r Danny Foolkes (apprentice), Patrick Hall MP and Karl Mastrolacasa (electrician)

Patrick Hall, MP for Bedford and Kempston, launched Apprenticeship Week at Bedford College by shadowing an electrotechnical apprentice and electrician on site on Monday 1 February 2010.

Shadowing Danny Foolkes (apprentice) and Karl Mastrolacasa (electrician) with Craddocks Electrical Services Ltd gave Patrick the opportunity to find out what it means to be an apprentice working with a local company and studying at Bedford College.

Talking about the apprenticeship scheme, Patrick Hall MP said:

“It is good to see apprenticeships making a comeback and encouraging seeing the co-operation between government (LSC), Bedford College, local employers and students that makes the apprenticeship scheme such a success. This is an excellent example of investing in skills for the future.”

Apprentice Danny Foolkes is in his first year of a 3.5 year apprenticeship, working 4 days a week on site with Craddocks Electrical Services Ltd and studying one day a week at Bedford College. Danny is following in his family’s footsteps - his grandfather is the founder of the family run business based in Bedford. Danny added:

“There is certainly a lot to learn and the combination of on the job training and studying at Bedford College suits me. Experienced electricians tell me that they are continually learning and so it doesn’t stop once you are qualified. We learn all aspects of the trade and safety plays a huge part.

“The tutors at Bedford College have all worked in the trade and their experience and knowledge is a really valuable part of the apprenticeship scheme.”

Bedford College has over 215 apprentices working in a range of sectors and industries and works closely with employers to ensure that apprentices of today become the qualified workforce of the future.

Apprenticeship schemes blend work and study to offer young people the chance to become qualified in the sector of their choice, with 4 days a week in the workplace and 1 day a week in College. They learn what it means to work and to study for industry recognised qualifications leading to careers in Business Administration, Catering, Construction, Child Care, Customer Service, Electrotechnical Services, Electrical Engineering, Hairdressing, IT, Mechanical Engineering, Motor vehicle and Plumbing.

Apprenticeship Week is a national event celebrating the talents and skills of apprentices and highlighting to employers the advantages of supporting apprentices in the workplace.

• Bedford College will be welcoming employers to a Business Breakfast on Thursday 4 February to raise the profile of apprenticeship schemes and highlight the benefits to employers.

• WICed (Women in Construction and Engineering) will be held on Friday 5 February at the Bunyan Centre, Mile Road, Bedford. The event is aimed at women of all ages to encourage them into the fields of construction and engineering.

Bedford College is one of the top ten FE Colleges in the UK with Outstanding Ofsted and Beacon Status awards among many others.

Join Bedford College Training Services on Facebook http://bit.ly/5Tgqnx or follow us on Twitter http://bit.ly/51kY1X to keep up to date with news, offers and events!

Editors’ notes

1. Issued by Manners PR for Bedford College.

2. For more info: Sue Gough at Manners PR on 07921 514 940.

3. Photographs available.

4. For more about Bedford College see www.bedford.ac.uk